There are some situations where you may need to adjust installments or payments for a request. A variety of common solutions are referenced below, but it is recommended that you discuss the options with the Success Team before making changes. A specific situation may require more than one solution listed below.
Options for Adjusting Installments and Payments
Cancel an Installment/Part of an Installment
- Cancel an Installment - This is the appropriate action to keep the original amount awarded while indicating that the award, or part of the award, will no longer be paid.
Decrease the Amount Awarded
- Decrease the Amount Awarded - This is the appropriate action to take to decrease the amount awarded and keep a record of the original installments.
- Remove an Installment - This is the appropriate action to take to remove an installment and decrease the amount awarded if a record of the original installments is not needed.
- Edit an Installment - This is the appropriate action to take to decrease an installment amount and the amount awarded if a record of the original installments is not needed.
Increase the Amount Awarded
- Add Installments to an Approved Request - This is the appropriate action to take to increase the amount awarded and keep a record of the original installments.
- Edit an Installment - This is the appropriate action to take to increase an installment amount and the amount awarded if a record of the original installments is not needed.
Remove/Return a Payment
- Credit a Payment - This is the appropriate action to take to show that a payment was returned/credited and keep a record of the original payment.
- Delete a Payment - This is the appropriate action to take to remove a recorded payment if a record of the original payment is not needed.